Sunday, December 28, 2014

Good-bye 2014, hello 2015!

As we come to the close of 2014 and look ahead to 2015, we wanted to take a moment to share a big "THANK YOU" with all of you who faithfully follow the Crooks in Romania.  We also wanted to share a few of the highlights from the past year and give you an idea of what things look like heading into 2015.

Here are a few of the year's big events:
·         New Year's Eve/New Year's Day- A proposal and a "YES"
·         February-June- Our long wait and dating over Skype
·         July 12th- Our Wedding!
·         August- We returned to Romania as a couple.
·         September- Our 4th year of the after-school program in Apalina started, and Katie celebrated her first birthday in Romania.
·         November- We discovered what it's like to live without running water for a week, cooked the 3rd annual Thanksgiving Dinner in Romania, and celebrated the birth of Daniel Toth.
·         December- We spent time with family and friends in South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Georgia.

In thinking about and planning for the new year, we give thanks for all of the opportunities we have to serve our Lord as we serve others.  We will continue our work in the after-school program, children's meetings, and newly formed English classes.  We are also excited about continuing opportunities to disciple new believers, train worship teams, and help develop vision and goals for the overall ministry.  The summer will bring another season of camps where children and youth from our area will hear about God's love.

We are blessed to have faithful partners who give each month to support our financial needs in Romania.  Because of you, we are able to focus on the work that God has called us to.  In the year ahead, we are still in need of some one-time gifts to help us cover our international health insurance, car insurance, road taxes, yearly medical expenses, and air travel.  As of writing this, we are about $4500 short of this goal.  We are thankful for the opportunity to trust God with these needs.  We are certain that just as He has called us, He will also provide for all of our needs!  To God be the glory!


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